Ways to reduce dry scalp in winter

Oil your scalp
Certain oils have anti-fungal and anti-bacterial properties that help in keeping the scalp free from infection. Also, oil has the property to seal moisture from within. Says Seema Singh, a beautician, “Dip cotton in warm coconut oil/ extra virgin olive oil/castor oil and sponge it on your scalp during the night. Rinse hair in the morning with a mild shampoo and a deep conditioner. Repeat thrice a week for healthier scalp.”
Use homemade packs
It’s important to scrub your hair off dirt and dead skin at least once every week. Paromita Banerji, a trichologist, says, “Scrub made of sugar and olive oil can be used on scalp. After you use the scrub, be sure to wash it off completely because the residue is as harmful as the dead skin itself.” Some of the packs that can be applied on scalp include those made of tofu and lemon, egg white and yogurt, and avocado, lemon and honey. “Hair packs take care of dead skin cells and add shine to the hair,” she adds.
Exfoliate using essential oils
Certain essential oils like tea tree, lemongrass, rosemary and peppermint, help in balancing the oil production and dryness of the scalp. You can also use a mixture of lemon juice and olive oil to exfoliate scalp.

Simple ways to control hair fall

Suffering from hair fall due to the dry weather? Try these simple home remedies to tackle the problem…
Also known as the Indian gooseberry, amla can work wonders on your hair, especially if you are suffering from hair fall. Add dried amla to coconut oil and heat it till the oil turns black. Cool the mixture to room temperature and massage it on your scalp.
Coconut milk massage:
Due to its rich properties of nourishing tissues, coconut is highly effective for hair. Grind fresh coconut and squeeze the paste to extract coconut milk. Apply it generously on your hair and scalp, leaving it for 15-20 minutes. Massage your scalp and then wash it.
Curd and lemon:
Curd and lemon act as a natural conditioner and help to reduce dandruff, in turn, preventing hair fall. Squeeze half a lemon into curd and apply it on your hair. Let it remain uptil 30 minutes till your hair becomes stiff. Wash your hair with a mild shampoo.
Honey-olive oil massage:
Mix two tablespoons of honey and equal amount of olive oil in a bowl. Add fresh cinnamon powder to it and blend it into a smooth paste. Applying this mixture regularly will help soothing your hair and in its growth.
Aloe vera gel:
Applying aloe vera gel twice a week is said to be extremely beneficial for your hair. Cut the aloe vera leaf in half and gently rub the juicy portion of the leaf on your scalp to reduce dryness or irritation. Wait for a few hours before you wash it off with lukewarm wate

Is washing your hair too often okay?

It’s certainly hot and you’re definitely sweating it out while commuting to work, at the gym or even at home. These increased levels of perspiration might make you feel like washing your hair every day. Experts tackle common questions that you may have about this predicament.
Is a daily hair wash okay?
It’s not necessary to do so, feels city cosmetologist Dr Sama Rais. “Preferably not everyday as shampoos have harsh chemicals and can remove the essential oils from the scalp, causing an over-drying of the scalp. Thrice a week is good enough. Even if you perspire, just pour plain water on the hair. If your hair suffers from Hyperhidrosis (problem of excessive sweating), you may have to wash everyday. But use only a mild shampoo, which is suitable for to your hair,” she says.
Overcoming dandruff issues
Dandruff and an itchy scalp is probably one of the biggest and most common offshoots of the sun playing havoc on hair. Says cosmetologist Dr Jaishree Manchanda, “There are two types of dandruff, oily and dry. Oily dandruff is dangerous as its eats away the pigment of your hair, while dry dandruff falls off. The former can give rise to numerous problems like pimples, pigmentation, etc, as dandruff on the scalp prevents blood circulation.” She also advises staying away from using heavy oils. “If you have oily skin, just use a lighter oil, like olive oil, and massage it for 15 minutes, followed by a hot towel treatment, then wash it off. Home-based treatments include putting ginger juice on the scalp. Leave it overnight and wash it off. Also, wash hair every alternate day with a mild, anti-dandruff shampoo. Eating green vegetables like palak and methi helps the hair,” she adds.
Using henna, a myth
Henna actually dries the hair and most stylists will tell you should not use it, saysa Dr Rais, adding, “Henna makes the hair more porous and can can turn hair brittle. Instead, use a good conditioner, which has a sunscreen or even a hair serum.”
How to use hair serums
Hair serums improve the texture of the hair and untangle it, leaving it softer. They are perfect for that dry, frizz that summer bestows. Anyone can use it but there are rules to follow. “If you use too much, the hair can look oily, so, take only a few drops on the fingertips and apply on the hair, not scalp,” says Dr Manchanda, adding, “Look for products that have argan oil as well as those with walnut and almond oil. Avoid those having silicon. After you have used a hair serum, don’t use a spray after that.”
Tips for healthy hair
– Trim away damaged ends of the hair, especially if they are frizzy.
– Wear a hat, scarf or peak cap (not too tight) to protect hair from damaging UV rays.
– Use a hair sunscreen if you are going out between 11am and 4 pm as that is when the sun’s rays are harshest.
– Always use a little conditioner on the hair before you go swimming.
– Olive oil is a great hair moisturiser- massage it into your hair, wrapping a warm towel around your head and leaving it    for 20mins then wash with shampoo and conditioner
Thinking about a hair spa?
States naturopath Nirmala Shetty, “Go natural when it comes to a hair spa. Look for nutrients in what nature provides us. For instance, grind hibiscus into a paste and apply on hair. It darkens and strengthens hair roots. Methi (rich in iron and darkens hair) and neem (antibiotic and has germicidal properties) also increase hair strength. Aloe vera is a powerful antioxidant and can tackle scalp allergies and boils. It is also a great hair strengthener. Avocado is full of antioxidants and is especially good for those who have coloured hair.”

Hair care tips for summer

Trim the damaged sections of your hair, especially if you tend to have frizzy hair and keep them short during summer. Wearing a short hairstyle during summer lets you enjoy the sun, without having to put all your worries on your hair.

  • If you do not want to cut short your hair, remember to wear a hat, cap or scarf, slightly loose enough to allow scalp circulation, to protect your hair against the damaging effects of the sun.
  • Before swimming wet your hair. Cover it with a thin layer of conditioner and leave it in until you shower after your swim.
  • Keep your hair knotted or wear buns or plats to avoid total exposure to sun and thus control frizzes.
  • If you are planning to stay long in the sun, use a protective sunscreen on your hair before stepping out. Avoid maximum ray damage by minimizing bare head exposure to the sun between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m., when the sun’s rays are the strongest.
  • Try using Sun Hair repair mask, after your hair is exposed to the harmful effects of the sun for a long duration.
  • Avoid using additional heat on your hair, meaning make the least use of hair dryers or hair curlers on your hair. If at all using it, remember to condition your hair before you do so.
  • Avoid hot water hair wash, as the heat can damage your hair. Use cool water instead.
  • Avoid using alcohol on your hair during summer, as it tends to dry your hair to a great extent. It is therefore advisable to use natural products instead. Instead of shampooing your hair frequently try some powder treatment on your hair. Sprinkle some baby powder on your hair and simply comb it.
  • Shampooing your hair everyday deprives the hair of its natural moisture. So, try not to shampoo your hair daily.
  • Try using moisturizing shampoo during summer, rather than the normal shampoo that you use during other times, as they are much gentle on your hair.
  • Deep condition your hair after each shampoo wash.

Cure that dandruff naturally

Dandruff is an increasing problem today and I’m sure we all are tired of using chemicals and shampoos on our hair that say they will erase the dandruff only to give temporary relief. Listed below are natural ways to deal with those itchy scales on your head.
Apple cider vinegar:
The acidity of apple cider vinegar changes the pH of your scalp, making it harder for yeast to grow. This helps in reducing dandruff.
Baking soda:
Wet your hair and then rub a handful of baking soda vigorously into your scalp. Don’t use shampoo. Baking soda reduces fungi that can cause dandruff.
Coconut oil:
Massage 3-5 tablespoons of coconut oil into your scalp and leave it overnight. Wash off the oil the next day with a mild shampoo.
Massage 2 tablespoons of lemon juice into your scalp and rinse with water. Then stir 1 teaspoon lemon juice into 1 cup water and rinse your hair with it after shampooing. Let the lemon water be the last rinse. Lemon’s acidity helps balance the pH of your scalp, which helps keeps dandruff at bay.
Garlic’s anti-fungal properties are perfect for eliminating dandruff-causing bacteria. Massage your scalp with crushed garlic and honey before washing.